University of Virginia (UVA) 3 football players killed in shooting. hundreds of University students mourn on campus Monday night

Devin Chandler, D'Sean Perry and Lavel Davis Jr are whom played football at the University were killed

Campus wide lockdown announced by the University official on Monday after three students were killed and two injured

The suspected shooters Christopher Darnell Jones Jr 22 is a former football player of the University of Virginia

University president Jim Ryan said This is a sad, shocking and tragic day for our UVA community authorities did not have a “full understanding” of the circumstances surrounding the shooting

University Police Chief Timothy Longo said a shooting was reported at about 10:30 p.m. Sunday on the northern edge of campus. The school immediately sent an alert to students

Accused Jones faces three counts of second-degree murder and three counts of using a handgun to commit a felony: Timothy Longo

Jones name is listed on University website as a football player in 2018 who as a freshman did not participate in any games. He attended Varina High School and Petersburg High School, where he played football as a linebacker and running back