Brittney Griner is an American professional basketball player born October 18 1990 in Houston to Raymond Griner and Sandra Griner

Griner is a basketball player for the Phoenix Mercury of the Women's National Basketball Associates (WNBA). two-time US Olympic basketball gold medalist

Griner was on the United States women's Olympic team in 2006, Selected to the  Phoenix Mercury All-American basketball team in 2009

Griner was received the Best Female Athlete Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly (ESPY) Award in 2012

Griner 32 was arrested in Russia at Moscow airport in February and charged with possession of vape canisters containing cannabis oil

Griner was sentenced to nine years in Russian jail and was fined one million rubles (approx $16,000)

Griner appeal to the court. did not intend to commit the crime, she described as an honest mistake acknowledged, she understood the serious charges she faced

Griner said its very very stressful and traumatic in the prison, and I really hope that the court will adjust this sentence

Griner pleaded guilty in drug charges. but her legal team argued in court she used the cannabis oil to treat pain from sports-related injuries

Griner appeal of nine years prison sentence denied by Russian Court