Yellow Star

A crane collapse in Manhattan, New York City on Wednesday, according to the report at least six people injured including two firefighters, authorities said.


Yellow Star

Crane collapsed on 10th Ave Hudson Yards area of Manhattan, atop a 45 story high rise building under construction.


Yellow Star

Sixteen tonnes of concrete were being carried by the crane, and as the fire spread in engine compartment of the crane.


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Deputy Commissioner of the New York City Fire Department Joseph Pfeifer said, the fire heated the crane's rope, weakening it to the point where it lost strength and collapsed.


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People started sharing videos on social media immediatly after the crane catched fire and black smoke could be seen billowing into the sky and the top of the crane collapsed and fell down.


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Joseph Pfeifer said at a press conference. The initial reports of an engine fire in a crane 45 floors above came in at 7:25 a.m., and the majority of the fire has been extinguished.


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The police department of New York City tweeted Surrounding streets were closed to traffic, but some reopened around 9:30 a.m However, 10th Avenue remained closed between 34th and 42nd streets as of Wednesday morning.