Delphi Murders: Killer has been arrested for killing two teen girls in Indiana in 2017 and charged with murder

Richard M Allen is a 50 year-old man of Delphi who killed two teens will remain a mystery for now, as a court has sealed charging documents and the investigation remains open

Body of Abigail Williams, 13, and Liberty German, 14 were found in a wooded area near the trail, about a half mile from the Monon High Bridge where they’d been dropped off

State Police Superintendent Douglas Carter said investigation launched by authorities 2086 days ago Abby and Libby set out on a hike at the Delphi Historic Trails during a day off from school February 13, 2017. They never returned

Carter said that investigators have worked tirelessly, some officers were postponed retirement, worked overtime and giving up holidays emphasizing that they have been counting the more than 2,000 days since the deaths.

Carter told media "Today is not a day to celebrate, but the arrest is sure a major step in leading to a conclusion of this long term and complex investigation

Neighbors of the accused said that Police arrested Allen on Wednesday but the report says formally charged Allen Friday before send him to White County Jail without bail

Carroll County Prosecutor Nick McLeland said Allen pleaded not guilty at an initial hearing, He is scheduled to return to court for a pretrial hearing January 13

Allen worked with CVS for its drug store chain, The company is shocked and devastated, it said in a statement, we are ready to cooperate with the police investigation in any way we can

Liberty German's Aunt Tara German said I went into the store to print funeral photos of Libby he (Allen) was the one who helped me when I was a mess trying to get the images off my phone. Once they were printed, he looked at me and said, ‘I’m not gonna charge you for this