Now its time for Microsoft to slashes 10,000 of its employees. CEO Satya Nadella


Due to the economic downturn Microsoft plans to layoff its 10000 jobs as it seeks to cost cut.


Microsoft all set to cuts 5% of its employees and their global workforce is 221000 approx.


Report says Microsoft starts notifying to the effected staffs on Wednesday however it was not clear which department would see cuts.


Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella wrote in a statement It’s important to note that while we are eliminating roles in some areas, we will continue to hire in key strategic areas.


CEO Satya Naella said at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland on Wednesday that Microaoft is not immune to a weaker global economy.


Nadella also said I am trying to do so in the most thoughtful and transparent way possible with a team of senior leadership team.


Finally Nadella wrote to its effected employees that these decisions are difficult, but necessary.