Russian Luna 25 crashed into the moon's surface, ending the country's first lunar mission in decades.


The incident happened after communication with the robotic spacecraft was cut off, which dealt a setback to Russia's aspirations in space took place.


Russian space agency Roscosmos informed that we had lost the communication with Luna 25 at 2:57 PM Moscow time on Saturday.


The trajectory of the mission Luna-25 allows it to outperform India's Chandrayaan-3 lunar lander, that was launched in mid-July, both missions were on a mission to the moon's south pole.


Roscosmos stated, an error occurred during the operation on the automatic station stopped the manoeuvre from being carried out according to the specified parameters.


Luna-25 was Russia's first moon mission since 1976, rocket was launched out from the Vostochny cosmodrome, 3,450 miles (5,550 km) east of Moscow, at 2:11 am on Aug 11.