Take a look that why the United States of America celebrates Martin Luther King Jr Day on Monday.


Every year Martin Luther King Jr Day celebration takes place on the Monday closest to his birthday, which is on January 15. However this year it is being held on January 16.


Sunday would have been Martin Luther King’s 94th birthday. King was assassinated at the age of 39 in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1968.


Martin Luther King Jr Day is a federal holiday in the United States of America which takes place on the third Monday in January. It honors the life and legacy of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.


Martin Luther King Jr, George Washington, and Christopher Columbus are the only three people in the United States have a holiday observed in their honor at the White House.


In the United States of America, Martin Luther King Jr led a campaign of non-violent protests and civil disobedience in the struggle to end discrimination, including racial segregation in the 1950s and 1960s.


Martin Luther King Jr was fighting for legal equality, social and economic improvements for African Americans. the impact was also economic. Black people earned far less than white people, and King wanted to highlight that.


Martin Luther King Jr's ideas and work made him increasingly unpopular during his lifetime. In 1966, 63% of Americans had an unfavourable view of King.