Ahsoka, the new "Star Wars" miniseries on Disney+, is titled "Master and Apprentice." Yoda and Luke, Obi-Wan and Anakin, Anakin and Ahsoka, Luke and Yoda.

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Ahsoka portrayed by Ashley Eckstein was first presented in the 2008 animated film The Clone Wars as Anakin Skywalker's (voiced by Matt Lanter) young padawan. She has a lengthy and significant history within Star Wars mythology.

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Two of the eight episodes of Ahsoka, which were available for review, are especially faithful to the story of acrimonious mentorship and surrogate being a parent.

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The galaxy where Ahsoka is set remains unaware of the classic screenplay adage about starting a scene late and ending it early.

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This is the moment where Ahsoka explores a barren planet's abandoned underground hub. This dingy, creaky hideaway is lavishly designed, much like everything else in the play.

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Ahsoka. starts off in war. Morgan Elsbeth (Diana Lee Inosanto), the former Magistrate of Calodan and an Imperialist sympathiser who had been caught and put on trial by Ahsoka, has no intention of surrendering herself in to the New Republic.

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