The Prime Minister Narendra Modi formally inaugurated the triangular new Indian Parliament on May 28, 2023. It’s a component of the Central Vista Project by Mr. Bimal Patel (Architect), a renovation effort for the colonial-era heart of the Indian capital city Delhi, PM Modi laid foundation stone of new Parliament building on 20th Dec 2020, and the new Parliament has three stories and build up size of 64,50 square meters 

The construction of the new Parliament cost approximately 971 crore rupees, It has space for 888 Lok Sabha (lower house), members and 300 Rajya Sabha (upper house), members, and offices of constitutional authority will all be located in the new structure. The Peacock, India’s National Bird, inspired the architecture of the new Lok Sabha chamber.

In honor of its 75th anniversary of independence, India will unveil a new Parliament building on May 28 in a ceremony that will live long in our memories, this day should be marked on calendars since it will be remembered in Indian history.  Prime Minister Narendra Modi presided over the ceremony while wearing traditional attire.

PM Modi received blessing from high priests of several Adheenams in Tamil Nadu, thene he entered the premises of the new Parliament through Gate No. 1 and set the recognizable “Sengol” near the Lok Sabha Speaker’s chair in the new Parliament building. 

While inauguration the new Parliament building Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that building has completely  designed with new technology, paperless with updated gadgets, we all have to move ahead with the motivation of Nation First, Every decision taken here will decorate India’s future and become the foundation of India’s bright future.
India is the Mother of democracy and the democracy is our sanskar, Mahatma Gandhi was inspired hope for swaraj among the people of India 25 years ago, and we are in the same situation today, We need to make India as a developed country in next 25 years. Every Indian must work hard to achieve the high and challenging goal. PM added.


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